Solutions Furniture — website

Website design

Role: Graphic designer
Company: Face3 Media
Year: 2019 and 2021

Solutions is a company that offers space optimization furniture for small living spaces. In 2019, I was in charge of designing the Solutions commercial website at Face3 Media. This year, while working on my portfolio, I took the opportunity to refresh the look of the original site as a personal project. This was done outside of the agency context, as a design exercise for myself.

On the Solutions website, the user can get to know each product and their expanding features using the product pages. They can also request quotes from the company depending on their buying purpose (retail, distribution, building or design).

In my updated version, I added touches of yellow to make certain pages and features more inviting. I also introduced simple line drawings of the furniture pieces and their different configuration in order to vary the type of imagery used by the brand.